Bionutra Neufemme

Bionutra Neufemme


Union Chem & Pharm


Full Prescribing Info
Vigna radiata beans extract, Eucommia ulmoides bark extract.
Each capsule contains Vigna radiata beans extract 150 mg and Eucommia ulmoides bark extract 75 mg.
Vigna radiata beans (or Mung beans) are the common source of food in many Eastern cultures eg, Japan and Eucommia ulmoides bark (also known as Du zhong) is a traditional Chinese herb consumed since ancient times.
Body's estrogen level decreases significantly during menopause. Unlike hormone replacement medications, Bionutra Neufemme assists the body to use its own estrogen more effectively by triggering many vital processes in the body. When consumed regularly, the patient is likely to experience a lower incidence of menopause-related symptoms. The most common physical symptoms experienced by women are hot flushes, tiredness and joint and muscular aches. Other menopause symptoms include lack of concentration, vaginal dryness, erratic menstrual periods, urgency of urination, anxiety and depression, mood swings and sagging skin tone.
In a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled, multicenter study on the efficacy and safety of Bionutra Neufemme in women with menopausal symptoms conducted by Gleneagles Clinical Research Centre, Bionutra Neufemme is proven effective in the following: Body Functioning: Management of menopause symptoms [7 days quick action relief, 90% experienced reduction in number of hot flushes, 77% experienced reduction in menopause symptoms (Menopause Rating Scale) and 79% experienced reduction in emotional symptoms (Self-Rating Depression Scale)], reduces fatigue and relieves body aches and pains.
Skin Conditions: Combats damaging effects of free radicals, improves skin elasticity and promotes radiant skin.
Overall Well-Being: Encourages deeper sleep, enhances life enjoyment and moods.
Bionutra Neufemme is also proven safe: No side effects related to Bionutra Neufemme; no effect to uterus; no liver toxicity.
Herbal food supplement that manages and relieves symptoms and discomforts associated with peri-menopause or menopause.
Dosage/Direction for Use
Take one to four capsules daily after food or as directed by a healthcare professional.
Drug Interactions
If the patient is taking other medication, consult a healthcare professional.
Store at temperatures not exceeding 30°C.
Shelf-Life: 36 months.
MIMS Class
Supplements & Adjuvant Therapy
ATC Classification
V06DX - Other combinations of nutrients ; Used as general nutrients.
Bionutra Neufemme cap
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